Dance Therapy for Overthinkers
Dance and Movement Therapy is quickly becoming recognised for its benefits on the mind and body. Still, some find it
By Team|2021-08-25T17:02:45-07:00August 25th, 2021|Dance|
Dance and Movement Therapy is quickly becoming recognised for its benefits on the mind and body. Still, some find it
By Team|2021-07-29T14:17:16-07:00July 29th, 2021|Dance, Fashion, Motivation, Trends|
The pandemic has seen huge focus shift towards creator-owned content and accelerated the rise of a number of dance influencers
By Team|2021-06-14T11:10:46-07:00June 11th, 2021|Dance, Motivation, Technique|
The word ‘dance’ comes from the Latin word ‘dens’, which borrows from the idea of “moving the body while following
By Team|2022-02-04T14:40:11-08:00May 10th, 2021|Dance, Motivation, Trends|
If you’re a dancer waiting for the world to reopen, or if you’re someone hoping for a safe stage to
By Team|2021-04-07T16:01:20-07:00April 7th, 2021|Dance, Motivation|
Is it ever too late to start dancing? No. Why would there be a time that’s too late? At any
By Team|2021-05-13T16:14:55-07:00February 11th, 2021|Dance, Motivation, Technique|
If you’re a new dancer or dance parent, it might be you only picture ballet shoes and tutus when you
By Team|2022-02-04T14:47:55-08:00January 11th, 2021|Dance, Motivation|
Anything is a strong word… But the major building blocks of life: work, relationships, leisure activities and growth—dancing can help
By Team|2021-06-23T17:22:30-07:00December 7th, 2020|Christmas, Dance Wear, Special Offers|
If your loved one is mad about dance, odds are they go through a lot of leotards, tights and dance
By Team|2021-06-14T10:39:41-07:00November 18th, 2020|Dance, Motivation, Trends|
Many people view dancing like a train. The train left the station and you’ve been on it for a while,