Our focus is on keeping our staff and customers healthy.
Do not visit the store if you have:
-Been feeling unwell with the following symptoms; fever, sore throat, cough, and/or shortness of breath
-Travelled outside Canada in the past 14 days
-Had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19
We are offering appointments before store opening (9am – 10am) each day to the elderly or immune compromised. Please contact the location of your choice to make arrangements.
The following guidelines must be followed when visiting the store:
-We ask that only those individuals needing help come inside the store. Please have friends/family members wait outside unless you need their assistance
-If the door is locked upon arrival (during business hours) we are at capacity and a staff member will let you in as space allows
-Upon entering, hands must be sanitized with the hand sanitizer provided
-Practice social distancing in the store front, using the floor markers as guidelines
-A mask must be worn to enter the change room area
-Cash will not be accepted. We can process Interact, Visa and MasterCard payments.
We have also introduced the following policies and protocols:
-Regular disinfecting throughout the day
-Payment terminal/counter area will be disinfected after each use
-Only 2 customers at a time will be admitted into the store front
-Reduced change room occupancy
-Change rooms will be disinfected after each use
-Bra fitters and customers are required to wear masks in the change room area
-Bra fittings will be conducted with minimal close contact so social distancing can be followed except for only brief encounters
-Any items tried on will be removed from stock for a period of 24 hours
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.